

If you’re feeling generally tired and unhealthy it might be a sign you need a detox program.

Toxin build-up in the body can lead to a number of serious issues such as poor immunity, hormonal imbalance, inflammation and joint problems and even heart disease.

orange juice

Signs you could benefit from a detoxification program at an early stage might be any of the following:

  • Digestive problems
  • Poor concentration
  • Skin problems
  • Allergies and food sensitivities
  • Mood swings
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Bad breath or body odour

If you are exhibiting these types of symptoms our Integrated Testing and Detoxification program can help you.

How does the treatment program work?

I willI develop a plan that is most suited to your health needs so you can achieve the best possible results. Your detox treatment program is designed to achieve these key goals:

Reduce Dietary Toxins

Follow our Detox Diet and support digestion to avoid common dietary toxins and allergens such as gluten, alcohol and coffee.

Improve Detox Capacity

Liver, gut, kidney and cellular detoxification support.

Neutralise Free Radicals

Antioxidant protection against potentially harmful free radicals.

Eliminate Waste Products

Phase II liver detoxification, bile, gut and kidney elimination.

Contact Good Life Naturopathy Today

Call Sanjay Dayaseela on 0423 816 912 or e-mail for an obligation free chat about your situation. I can provide a personalised treatment plan to restore balance to your health today.